La Salette Catholic Primary School

Loved by Jesus and Our Lady Of La Salette,
we learn and grow together, in joy and friendship

Mission Statement & Welcome from the Headteacher

"Loved by Jesus and Our Lady of La Salette, we learn and grow together in joy and friendship."


Welcome to La Salette Catholic Primary School.  We are a small Catholic School located in Rainham, within the London Borough of Havering.

As a school we place our Catholic faith and the education of all of our children at the very centre of all we do. We are passionate about shaping our children into life-long learners who are keen to explore the world around them through our gospel values of joy, love and friendship


The Joy of learning

We want our children to enjoy their school experience. This means making sure children are enthused and engaged at school. Our children help shape our curriculum and the extra-curriculum provision through our School Council and many other pupil-led groups. As a school we believe that we have a duty to provide not just a firm academic platform for children to progress from, but one that instils the importance of being good citizens in our community and parish.


The Love of challenge and being creative.

Children that can explore their own interests and have access to a broad curriculum achieve more. We are dedicated to providing a high quality and engaging curriculum that inspires children to do their best.  A firm focus on core skills such as literacy and mathematics is coupled with a wider creative curriculum that reflects the make up of our community and encourages children to be life-long learners. 


The Friendships we develop and how we support each other.

Our staff work in partnership with parents and our wider parish community to develop and support our children as they grow academically, spiritually and physically. We pride ourselves on providing an education that prepares children for modern life in Britain and embraces the many cultures, faiths and peoples that make up the world that God has entrusted to us.  The friendships the children develop and opportunities to recognise what healthy relationships look like are key to making our school community a place that children love to be.

I hope that both parents and visitors find our school website useful and should you wish to see what has been happening recently at our school, I would suggest you visit the 'Newsletter' section under the 'Parents and Carers' tab to find out more.


Mr A.S Wilson, Headteacher, La Salette Catholic Primary School

Mr. A.S Wilson, Headteacher