La Salette Catholic Primary School

Loved by Jesus and Our Lady Of La Salette,
we learn and grow together, in joy and friendship

  1. News
  2. Positive Relationships and Anti-bullying Week

Positive Relationships and Anti-bullying Week

6 September 2021 (by Mr Wilson)

This week is our Positive Relationships and Anti-Bullying Week. We have been talking with the children about the importance of being kind and caring to each other. We have also spoken in assembly and class about bullying and how we report bullying and make sure we keep La Salette a friendly school for everyone.

In class children have been learning about S.T.O.P! ( Several Times On Purpose). This is our simple way of remembering what bullying is and who our 'trusted-adults' are in school, who we can talk to if we are worried about something.

Classes are designing their own STOP! hands as part of our display work to make sure we have clear reminders all around the school.